The Sacred Field of the Circle
In my childhood garden, there was a huge beech tree. Not an ordinary beech, but a weeping beech. Like a weeping willow, it had drooping branches that split in a wide circle around the trunk like fireworks fluttering in slow motion from the sky. This created a kind of sacred space, which was somewhat shielded from the world by a softly whispering roof of beech leaves.
Underneath the wings of this majestic tree was a clearing. Nothing grew except the occasional brave shoot of a new beech tree. It always smelled deliciously of humus. And the sound of the raindrops as it drizzled softly on that immense canopy of leaves, was heavenly to my little girl’s ears
The broad-girded trunk was the center of this grove. Firmly anchored in the earth, with thick roots that showed themselves erratic above ground here and there.
It was quiet, but the energy was sizzling, alive, magical...

The same energy manifests itself during mandala drawing.
It starts with a dot in the middle of a drawing sheet.
From that point a field is created, which is bounded by a symbolic line. A field that is inextricably linked to the starting point, the gem cell, or if you will; the seed from which the tree grew bigger and bigger.
A field in which the symbolic roots move underground and look for a way to give stability.
A field in which the symbolic crown and branches manifest themselves above ground and express in a unique way what was originally present on a microcosmic level.
The structure of a mandala is based on the proportions from sacred geometry. It is not at all strange or unnatural to use a ruler and drawing triangle and compass when drawing a mandala. This may seem like a very mathematical matter, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The power of the drawing hides behind the (assistance)lines that we use. These (auxiliary)lines appeal to our unconscious creative expression.
You can compare it with the dreams we experience and see during our sleep. They are also the results of processing from those unconscious layers. Images that are projected onto our retina and that undeniably have a meaning, although we sometimes literally grope in the dark to really understand them.
A mandala offers a kind of dream field to our unconscious, a kind of retina on which the images can be projected – or thus drawn
So while drawing and coloring a mandala, you connect to deeper layers of your being. Your mind slows down and becomes still. Your attention changes.
Mandala drawing thus initiates processing and also supports this to happen, because the structure of the drawing always provides a harmonious outcome, which appeals to our inner problem-solving capacity and invites us to arrive at new insights.

As a certified Analytical Drawing Therapist, I received many handles and tools to guide the process of mandala drawing. Each drawing is a reflection of the state of our inner world. It is always special to come face to face with the energy and images that arise while drawing, but also when the mandala is ready.
There are beautiful books on the market that will help you when you want to discover mandala drawing. I got my first book from my mother during my primary school period.
If you also want to experience it in a different way, and want to work more consciously with the deeper meaning of your designs, images, drawings, then I would love to meet you during a workshop or an individual coaching moment.
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